
Dr. Dave

Fight Depression

Positive Thinking Radio

Max Out On God's Love

Positive Christian Radio

Positive Butterflies




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When will I get better?  When will my life improve?

I am the one who decides when it will happen.  The instant that I put positive things into my mind is the exact moment it begins.  Until I think positive thoughts, it will not come to pass.

Improvement is only a thought away.  I don’t need to travel on a long pilgrimage or visit a shrine to make things better.  I only need to change the way I think.

Improvement happens in an instant.  I don’t have to wait until I am older, stronger, more intelligent, more mature, more beautiful, more qualified, or until I graduate for things to get better.  I can make them better anytime I want, anywhere I am.  All I need to do is fill my mind with positive things.

I don’t waste my time wondering if my life will ever improve.  Instead, I make it better today by putting positive things into my mind.

Copyright © 2013


Outward appearances are deceiving, so don't be too quick to judge.

Take caterpillars, for instance.  Some caterpillars are a thing of beauty, but most of them aren't much to look at.  They crawl around like colored worms, they eat leaves for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and they have the personality of a sea slug.  How many people have invited you over to look at their caterpillar collection?  Few to none, I'll bet.  When God passed out good looks, he apparently skipped the caterpillars.

After caterpillars mature, they spin a silken chrysalis around their plump body, and they go into what seems like hibernation.  In the chrysalis stage, they're not much to look at either.   A chrysalis may represent outstanding engineering, but as a thing of beauty it's an abject failure.  Their chrysalis condo is simply their crash pad while God works the wonders of metamorphosis.

When the butterfly finally emerges from the chrysalis, a miracle has happened.  The  former ugly duckling is now a thing of beauty.  Colors splash across its wings, and the former slug like plant eater now enjoys the freedom of flight.  It spends the rest of its days flying from flower to flower sucking up the nectar of life.

Everybody likes butterflies.  These delicate flying palates of color remind us how much God loves beautiful things.  God didn't have to make them beautiful.   He could have made them look like flying slugs; just attach drab wings to a caterpillar's body, and the job is done.

Perhaps God made butterflies to teach us lessons about life and make us more tolerant and less judgmental.  We are all a work in progress and although were not butterflies yet, we can't become butterflies without first being caterpillars.  We've got to eat a lot of leaves and do a lot of growing before we blossom into our final state.  Just as you can't judge a book by its cover, you can't judge a caterpillar by its color.  The caterpillar might not look like much now, but when God gets done with it, it will become a creature of splendor.

Judging people harshly in their caterpillar stage is a big mistake.  They are a work in progress, and what you see is not the finished product.  Right now, a person may not look like much, but when God finishes working his miracle,  a new person painted by God's palette of love will emerge in awesome beauty.

Don't be quick to judge yourself in a harsh manner; you also are a work in progress.  Your caterpillar stage might not seem like fun, but God knows what He is doing.  You have to be a caterpillar before you can become a butterfly; there is no other way.  God is working behind the scenes, taking care of the details, and things are going to work out.

God has a dream for your life that is better than you can imagine.  When you get into agreement with His plan, there's no limit to how good your life can become.

There's a butterfly somewhere inside you that's waiting to come out, and with God's help, it won't be long before you are soaring on the updrafts of his love.

Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking

Owner's Manual for Your Mind
Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love Positive Christian Self-Talk
Positive Self-Talk Red Book Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking Cover

How to Be Great
How to Make a Life
Change Who You Are
Positive Operating System
Resourceful Beliefs
Unlimited Potential for Excellence
Who You Are
What You Think About Expands
Practice Being Great
What I Think About Matters
Think on These Things
Consistently Control Your Mind
When Will I Get Better
Positive Expectations
POS Version I - Operating System for my Mind
I Turn Bad Things into Better Things
Opportunity Is a Shy Visitor
I Am Potential Unlimited
There Is No Limit to How Good My Life Can Become
Say Yes to Life
I Can Still Make My Dreams Come True
Freedom Is Only a Thought Away
Exceptional Beliefs
The Meaning of Life
Every Destination Starts as a Thought
A New Beginning Creates a New Ending
I Change My Mind in an Instant of Time
The Power of Positive Focus
Ready for Change
I Am Willing to Do Whatever It Takes
Change First Happens in My Mind
How Change Happens
Endless Persistence
Do It Now
Semper Fidelis
No Reason to Wait
The Call to Action
Positive Action and Negative Thoughts
Failure Is Never Final
Pulling the Weeds and Planting the Seeds
I Build My Future Thought by Thought
Change Who You Are

Be Excellent

Limiting Beliefs Are a Choice
Barriers or Hurdles
Make Your Limitations Disappear
Get a Fresh Start - Clean Your Mind
Toxic Waste Management
Fly Like an Eagle
Positive Focus
Repetition Hijacks My Mind
The Gift That Never Stops Giving
Put a Positive Spin on Your Life
Positive Thinking Is Not Enough
Calm the Storm of Thoughts
Feed Your Mind Three Meals a Day
Write Your Way to a Positive Mind
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
Listen to the Sound of My Dreams
Superheroes of the Mind
Association and Dissociation
Power or Paralysis
Statement of Purpose
Written Plan
Escape Limited Thinking
The Direction of Motivation
Count Your Blessings
The Recipe for Achievement
A Blessing That Lasts Three Lifetimes
Keep Your Goals in Perspective
Keep Money in Perspective
Handle With Care
The Positive Mind Pump
Negative Black Hole
Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking
Negative Thinking Is a Warning
Conflict Brings Negative Thoughts into My Life
Give Up Your Need to Be Right
Negative Thoughts Are a Stop Sign
Never Argue With Negative Thoughts
What Do I Find When I Squeeze My Mind?
Miracles Happen
Cockroaches of the Mind
Guilt - Hazardous Substance - Handle With Care
Time Travel
Live As If You Are a Positive Person
Live As If You Are a Loving Person
Live As If You Are a Forgiving Person
Live As If You Are a Thankful Person
Live As If You Are a Tolerant Person
Never Quit Working on Your Dreams
Keeping Adversity in Perspective
Surviving the Storm
Fearosaurus Rex


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